Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Orellia - Texture Progress

A little progress as to where I'm at- Almost everything is done- Almost because I'm still having trouble with the hair and had separated them into a new texture map- Added lighting and renders through Marmoset 2- It really is convenient and always makes everything look good- the reflectivity, lights and how its rendered real time! Amazing shiz if you ask me and it's affordable for the poor artist like myself- XD My only problem with it now is the shadows- Sometimes it would give me pixelated and jagged lines, Still reading up on how to get rid of em-

The progress above is the char without any specular- After some massive testing with the specular I managed to get it to this :-
Tada! Textures completed so far, Diffuse, AO, Normals, Specular-
A little adjustment:-
 Added loads of freckles/ pores to the other parts of the skin. I used a subtle scatter brush around the tummy area and the arms. The face was quite challenging, the lips took me an hour before I got the specular right-and many times she looked haggard because I had put too much detail at the bottom of her eyelids- Added leather and cloth specular to the clothes, mostly using textures online and de-saturating them- This is what I'm sticking to for the moment- until I'm done with the hair- I'll be updatig that soon! Till then-

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