Friday, March 21, 2014

Were Snake Lady WIP 02

More WIP for Were Snake Lady, I made some changes to the design. Since it's supposed to be a game model with mid level poly count, I decided to make some slight changes to the design, making her more warrior like. So far I've made changes to the back and front transparent plane, The tail is extended all the way to the floor with a cloth attached to it to make the focus go back up to the character and the front cloth has been replaced to break the symmetry. The headgear needs to be fixed a little more though. Yes the hands are still missing :| I'm gonna go there last, I'm still struggling with getting it right. I left out the details on the design for last too to focus on getting the main model done : D  The red on the head gear was something I realized last minute and needed to note it- I don't know if it needs changing yet though- We'll see how it goes :D that's all for now-!

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